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What does it mean to be an adult? How does adulthood vary across cultures? What behaviour should we expect from adults?
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You’ve heard of the 7 virtues and 7 sins + Courage / Cowardice
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Study of our essence. Study of the mind.
The Spiral Dynamics Model is a model of the evolution of values, created by Clare W Graves, popularised by Don Beck & Christopher Cowan.
- NoFap / Sexual addictionReaching out for support is important, but it’s also crucial to do so with proper etiquette to make sure the help you get is effective and the group remains supportive for everyone. When someone sends an alarming message like “An urge is about to eat me up!!!!!! 😭🔥 Help ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️”, it puts a lot of pressure on the people you’re reaching out to. No one wants to deal with an overwhelming, last-minute panic message when they may not have the energy or mental space to respond well. Here’s the etiquette: reach out when the urge is still manageable, when you’re at 1% and not 99%. It’s much easier for others to help you when they’re not caught off guard by an intense, last-minute request. Reaching out early allows for a calmer, more supportive conversation and increases the chances of you overcoming the urge. When you wait until you’re at the brink of relapse, you put your support network in a difficult position. It’s not that people don’t want to help, but responding to a high-stress situation requires mental clarity and time, which is not always available in a crisis moment. By catching the urge early, you’re giving your community the chance to provide the support you need in a more balanced and effective way.按讚
- Ideas & Concepts (success)In a quiet village, there were two companions- Desire and Joy. Desire was a tireless traveler, always urging the villagers to move, to seek, to climb higher mountains and cross vast rivers. “Go, strive, achieve!” Desire would call, filling their hearts with a burning wish to reach something more. The villagers followed, driven by the promise of something greater just ahead. One day, after a long and tiring journey, the villagers reached the peak of a tall mountain. There, they found Joy, a serene figure waiting for them with a warm smile. “You have made it,” Joy said softly. “You sought, you strived, and now, you are here.” As the villagers sat in the sunlight, a warmth spread through them, not from the sun, but from within. Their hearts felt light, their minds at ease. It was the pleasure of achievement, the reward of reaching their goal. Desire had led them, but Joy gave them the comfort of fulfillment. And so, Desire and Joy worked together- Desire pushing them forward, and Joy waiting at the end, ensuring that each step was worth taking. The villagers learned that it was through this partnership that they found purpose and peace.按讚
- Charity / GreedSome greedy people will try to find or instil uncertainty in people so that they can swoop in and be ‘the solution’ This aligns with the genetic business advice to find a problem and be the solution Being the solution is charitable but creating a problem to be a solution is greedy Our time is limited so if you suspect that somebody is trying to sell you something tell them (subtly or directly) to get to the point and to show you rock-solid proof Avoid purchasing things on the spot, give yourself a day or two to think about it alone and discuss it with your trusted friends / family if necessary